- 2023 update. In late 2022, KORG released a software version of microKORG for Mac/Win. It's a modern plugin version of the synth that you can use in your computer, for instance in Logic Pro or Ableton Live. The software version sounds similar to the hardware. I have updated the files in this pack so that there is a directory formatted in a way that the new software expects. You can manage the files between the hardware and software within this new app. Many of my sounds are quite deep, and I obscure every little corner of the microKORG to achieve certain sounds… The Software version is trying to keep up, but many of the sounds have a noticeably different vibe when played in the software.
- *Disclaimer for Windows users. It appears that the Mac version of microKorg SoundEditor, is not spitting out the same files as the Windows counterpart is expecting. Make sure to download Korg’s official software, and use the Windows .set file in the pack when you’re opening it up in Windows. Additionally, one of my customers has provided me with native Windows .prg files here, which will make it easier to load in the Windows version of MicroKorg Sound Editor.
This pack contains of 128 original patches made for the the original microKORG that was released in 2002. It's a fab little synth, that has been one of the best selling synths each year it has been in existence – effectively making it one of the best selling synths of all times.
I'm celebrating it's 16th anniversary by releasing this pack. Please have a listen in the video above for a preview of all of the sounds. I've made it especially with keyboard players in mind, with the goal of creating truly versatile and useful musical patches.
The pack is also fully compatible with the recently updated microKORG-S, released in 2016. The older KORG MS2000 synth line is also compatible.
- The MicroKORG XL is not compatible. It is using a different engine. Sorry!
To send all of the files to your microKORG or microKORG-S in one go, the easiest way is to use KORG’s microKORG SoundEditor, and a MIDI interface.
In case you’re gonna use these files on a KORG MS2000 line synth, I’m not sure if the microKORG SoundEditor app will work. So I have saved all of the individual patches as sysex files, which will be more suitable for the KORG MS2000.
To send the patches over, use a Sysex Librarian app. There are many free options for computers, and some good paid apps for phones and tablets. I can recommend C6 from Elektron.
I hope this pack will breathe new life into your microKorg. It's a great synth! Happy times ahead!