Cuckoo FM Essentials vol.1

Cuckoo FM Essentials vol.1



This is a pack of 32 Cuckoo patches for the Korg Volca FM. I was a total fan of Sega Megadrive (Genesis) in my young years, and this might have been key to my interest in synthesis today. Those crisp, cutting FM sounds! The Volca FM sounds a lot like that :)

I've tried to replicate some sounds from games that I like, such as the legendary Toe Jam & Earl, as well as Phantasy Star 2. But most of the sounds are original sound design, with melodic content in mind.

The Korg Volca FM holds just 32 patches at a time. These patches are stored in a SYSEX format, and are meant to be sent to the unit via MIDI. You'll need a MIDI interface, a MIDI cable and a sysex librarian app that can send sysex files. Sysex apps are available for free on the Mac and PC, but can be a little costy on the iPhone.

A free Sysex Manager app is Elektron C6, click here.

The base price for this pack is $8. But if you want to drop me a few more coins, please pay whatever you like.

Best regards


YouTube demo of the sounds, click here.