Super 6 Pack 1

Super 6 Pack 1



Hello Super 6 lovers!

I spent a LOT of time perfecting this pack with 64 lovely patches for the UDO Audio Super 6 synth. Included in the pack is also 16 unique wavetables designed to make it easy and fun to make keyboard-, organ- and chip sounds.

I categorised the patches into 8 banks with E-Pianos, Soft Keys, Keyboards, Organs, Bass, Nostalgia, Game Chip, Oddballs. And I designed the majority of the sounds with vocalists in mind, and put extra effort into making sure the sounds will compliment vocals beautifully, and not compete with them.

For a full demo of the sounds, check out the video above!

I hope you'll like them!


IMPORTANT: This is NOT a sample pack. This pack is designed for the SUPER 6 synthesiser, and will not work with any other synths, software or samplers.